Right now the grass is surprisingly still growing and it is looking great. We are still mowing lawns on a weekly basis and they are looking great.
Lawn fungus and disease is going crazy this year. The grass is stressed out from the rapid change in temperature and climate in the St. Louis region. The grass is growing like crazy from the rain and the high heat is stressing it out.
Be sure to keep your lawn as dry as can be. We are getting enough rain in the St. Louis area still to keep the grass growing. This year lawns have gotten enough water from rain. Additional water has not been needed yet in 2011.
Lawns that are getting over watered are thinning out and showing signs of fungus. If you see signs of fungus now is the time to get the fungicide down. Fungicide can be applied in a corrective or preventive manner. Sometimes when a fungicide is applied after the fungus appears in the lawn