Seeding your lawn can be a tricky business.
Everything is extra fragile once you’ve planted the seeds, and there are a multitude of possible factors and situations that could ruin all of your work as your grass grows and the seedlings develop into a lawn.
This post aims to help you understand the different care and nurture measures that you should take after the seeding process, so you can ensure the beautiful growth of your grass seed and eventual St. Louis lawn.
This is perhaps the most critical step in growing grass from seed.
You have to apply water frequently so the soil can stay moist, but be careful to not make it excessively wet!
You have to water your lawn at least two to three times a day, in small quantities, for about two to three weeks to ensure adequate moisture, which is necessary for germination. Many of the seedlings will inevitably die if you let your soil’s surface dry while the seeds are developing.
You may start regular lawn mowing service once the seedlings reach a height of about one-third higher than a normal mowing height.
Remember to maintain a sharp mower blade to avoid pulling the seedlings out of the soil.
How much fertilizer should you use?
Apply about half a pound of nitrogen for every 1,000 square feet of your lawn, but try to avoid excessive high-nitrogen fertilization by lightly watering your lawn after the fertilizer application.
Applying fertilizer when the seedlings are about one to two inches tall will enhance your lawn’s establishment rate.
Good timing when it comes to weed control practices is important while your seeds are germinating.
Herbicides can get rid of your unwanted weeds, but also remember that it can put stress your grass and reduce its growth rate.
Try to delay applying post-emergence herbicides for as long as possible after seeding. Read and follow the recommendations listed on pesticide labels with regard to the suggested timing of application after planting.
Or, if you are not comfortable doing it yourself, St. Louis Lawn Care provides fertilizer and weed control services.