This week we started our first application of fertilizer for the 2011 season. This application of fertilizer contains a pre-emergent that controls the crabgrass and other unwanted grassy weeds. The first spring application of fertilizer will green up your lawn and it provides nutrients to your grass as it comes out of the dormancy state. The weather will start to change and before you know it your lawn will be growing and it will need mowing.
Prepare you lawn for the upcoming growing season with a first application of .fertilizer now in the spring. Don’t let crabgrass take over your lawn. Prevent the growth of crabgrass by putting down a pre-emergent that suppresses the germination of crabgrass seeds.
Now is also the time to clean up your lawn and landscape and get it ready for the growing season. Start to trim up your bushes and clean the leaves that have gathered in your landscape over the winter months. Now is the time to start applying mulch to your flower beds and, start to think about the annuals you want to plant in your landscaping.