This time of year the lawns typically go dormant, but not this year.
The lawns in St. Louis are going crazy.
They are growing like it is spring. The deep rains have the grass growing and the fungus thriving.
A lot of lawns are looking spectacular right now, but once we have a week without heavy rain and hot weather that grass will look pretty bad.
Be prepared to aerate and overseed once September hits in St. Louis.
This is the best thing you can do for your lawn.
If you Aerate and overseed your lawn will look full and lush in the spring.
Right now you are just trying to maintain your lawn. Fescue and blue grass lawns are not made for hot humid weather.
If your lawn goes dormant. that is fine.
Keep with the once a week waterings. Long and deep waterings. Even though it seems like its drying out. if you water your lawn for a long time, the soil underneath is still wet and those roots are still sucking it up. Make those roots dig for water.
It is the best thing for them.
If you water every day. Those roots stay near the surface and when the weather heats up, those roots will fry. Make those roots go searching deep for water.
Your lawn will love you for it.